Friday, February 22, 2013

ဇာတ္သိမ္းခန္းေကာင္းေစခ်င္တယ္ ေျပာရဲသူရဲ ့ သမိုင္း


by Kyaw Gyi AB on Monday, August 27, 2012 at 4:37pm ·

Ko Ko Oo was one of the students leader of March and June student strikes at 1988,especially he was very active student leader of June strike. After June strike he formed NIDF with Ko Aung Thu(88 generation students leader) and other studen

ts leaders.The NIDF was as ABFSU's fighting committee at 8888 people revolution.After military took over he arrived Thay Baw Boe camp and he formed first named of ABSDF's committee as know as nine members committee(Ko KO Oo,U Yu Nge, Ko Hla Aung, Ko Zar Ni,Ko Myo Chit, Ko Phone Ko, Ko Than Lwin, Dr Myint Cho,and U Hla Myint than),he was chairperson of the first ABSDF committee at Thay Baw Boe camp around the end of September, 1988.At that time Thay Baw Boe comp was large of the students revolution camp on the Thai_Burma border.The ABSDF's named gave by Ko Hla Aung (Tutor of Philosophy Department of Rangoon University).Ko Ko oo and his comrades brought the ABSDF named to the first conference of ABSDF ,Wan kha(Kaw Moo Ra) and gave it in to the students revolution history of 1988.He was elected joint secretary at the ABSDF's first conference.


ေျမာက္ပိုင္း လူသတ္မႈမွာ က်ဆံုးသူေရာ/ အသက္ရွင္သူမွာအားလံုးကိုယ္စီရဲ ့သမိုင္း ရွင္းလင္းစြာေျပာျပႏိုင္ပါတယ္

တခ်ိန္ ေျပာခြင့္ ရပါလိမ့္မယ္ လို ့ေမွ်ာ္လင့္ရင္.......

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